- Bugfix fix
- Improved user experience
- Reminder: appointment calendar with hours
- Video guide section
Now you can import the pdf in easyCOACH program, then you can upload:
- your power adapters
- your training cards
- your ratings and questionnaires
- Manage different workouts at the same time for each user
- Choose one training day for each training card one day
- Workout calendar (different colors depending on the training)
- Drag-and-drop interface for exercises and activity cards
- Added library of images to use for each exercise
- It’ s now possible to use your chosen images
- Reminder calendar
- Fully revised Dashboard for charts as well as for training and reminder calendars
- Improved Print Training Cards
Our web application has always been responsive to the mobile world, phone and tablet, but now we've built native APPs, free, for Android and iOS world for a more immersive and immediate experience
- native APP for iOS phone and tablet
- native APP for Android phone and tablet
- Ability to insert reminders in every area, to remind the coach (or even user) when a repeat evaluation
- Possibility of collaboration with other coaches
- Ability to share master data with collaborators coach
- Assign permissions to coach employees (in what areas can interact)
- Possibilità di coinvolgere gli iscritti/utenti/pazienti dei coach al programma easycoach: if inserted a valid email nell'anagrafica user, verrà inviata una mail all’utente con le credenziali per accedere alla piattaforma easycoach. In questo modo l’utente potrà consultare le proprie schede (training, misure, supply, etc.)
- Ora è possibile stampare e creare pdf delle schede allenamento, utilissimo per palestre e personal trainer
- When the coach enrolls the new user, the email is sent with the logo of the gym or the coach.