Overview with number of tabs inserted, In this area you have the opportunity to consult:
- recent activities,
- number of active users,
- subscription status
- reminder expiring
- User data summary
- User's last activities
- grafici di andamento misure
User details
In this module you can manage your personal data of its customers.
Inserendo un utente verrà creato un account per l’utente stesso che gli permetterà di consultare tutte le sue schede di misurazione, cards workout and all its data.
Possibility of collaboration with other coaches present on the platform with user share sharing and assignment of intervention areas for collaborative coaches.
Wellness Questionnaire
In this form it is possible to assess the well-being of its members.
The module consists of a thorough questionnaire to assess the habits and the well-being of users.
Eating Habits
In this form you can record user's eating habits , indicating what and how much they eat / drink in the meals of the day.
Card diet / Recommended Power
In this module you can set up a diet or dietary advice.
You can choose between a simple diet (One day) or a diet calendar (more days).
Card Sports
In this module you can plan a workout for any sport, specifying the duration for each exercise, repetitions, recovery time, defining the goals and the training period.
In this section you can:
- Manage different workouts at the same time for each user
- Choose one training day for each training card one day
- View the workout calendar (different colors depending on the training)
- Insert a picture in the library to be used for each exercise
- Load a custom image to use for each exercise
Scheda misure
(impedentiometric balance)
Con questo modulo si registrano tutti i valori forniti da bilance impedenziometriche:
- Weight
- % fat mass
- Basal Metabolism (NMR)
- Daily calorie needs (DCI)
- Metabolic Age
- % water (TBW)
- Visceral fat level
- Kg bone
- Kg muscle mass
You can see the trend of the values in a graph.
With this form you can create and schedule reminders. Will then be displayed on the due date in the dashboard of the coach.